Every morning at five o'clock I trudge up a hill. There I practice Tai Ji, a Chinese martial art. It's everything from cold to warm, to challenging to pleasant. But it is above all me. Unfortunately, I am not standing in a temple on a mountain top in China. Instead, I'm in the slightly less romantic place that is my apartment's backyard in Sweden. But it's a better place, in its way. Because after the morning training, I have the luxury of going to my clients, and there continue my training ― expressed in another way. From having protected the body from disease, I now protect your IT from security threats. I have done this together with my wife Karin's help since 2020. At the moment I am the only consultant in the company. Among other things, I work with design, preliminary studies, architecture, investigations, implementation, integration and training. I have done that for almost 30 years. For just as long, I have practiced Tai Ji and Aikido, which emphasize cultivating balance and harmony through the life force Qi. Hence the name Qi Security.
Lars Niklasson - Consultant and CEO
Karin Stenmark Niklasson - Financial Manager and Vice president
Sickan - Administrative Manager